Is 6 ft 1 tall for an adult male? - Quora

By A Mystery Man Writer

Why can't all people grow to 6 feet tall? - Quora

Are all Europeans 6ft tall? - Quora

Tall men (minimum 6 feet) are better sexually due to strength, and can physically protect their women. Men are 6 foot plus and virile. Women are smaller and much lighter in weight.

As a woman, tall, average, or short, would you date/hook up with a guy who's the typical short, 5ft 8, with robust large shoulders? - Quora

What should a 6 foot 1 inche male weigh if he's also a big build? - Quora

What is the average height of humans in the world? - Quora

What's considered tall for a male? - Quora

I'm 6'1 -6'2 and 200 pounds. Am I fat? - Quora

If 5'6 comes up to my eyebrows, about how tall would I be? - Quora

How tall is 6'1' for a man? - Quora

Do tall women usually have tall children? - Quora

Is 6'3' a lot shorter than 6'5'? - Quora

How tall are Japanese people? - Quora

Is 170 muscular at 6ft? - Quora

How tall is a guy that is 180 cm? - Quora