Don't believe what mattress companies tell you about SIDS. Believe

By A Mystery Man Writer

Around the time my second baby was born, in 2014, I started seeing ads for a new air-permeable crib mattress. It featured a baby sleeping face down

Crib mattress for babies & toddlers

Does Swaddling Increase the Risk of SIDS?

What causes SIDS still largely a mystery, but there are ways to try and prevent it

Crib vs Floor Bed: Which is Best for your Baby? — The Montessori-Minded Mom

Attachment Parenting - Morgan Hollar Storyboard

Two-thirds of new parents believe old wives' tales about their baby's sleep - Study Finds

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Best Crib Mattress - #1 Pediatrician Recommended

A pediatrician lays out the latest research on SIDS, also known as crib death, tells how to identify babies who are at risk, and offers techniques and

SIDS: A Parent's Guide to Understanding and Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome